The Midland Wind and Water Mills Group, sometimes known as the Midland Mills Group or MMG, is a voluntary, non-profit making, independent society for mill enthusiasts. The Society was founded in 1976 and is concerned with the study of the history and technology of mills of all types and especially their preservation and restoration. We are also interested in the generation of renewable energy using natural resources. Our members have a wide range of ages and backgrounds with interests covering all aspect of mills and milling:- historical, technical, practical, or “just interested”.
Aims & Objectives
- To increase our members’ enjoyment of a variety of topics concerning all types of mills by associating with like-minded people.
- To stimulate the public awareness of mills and the need for their preservation and restoration.
- To actively support, practically and financially, the restoration and conservation of mills.
- To help open mills to the public especially on National Mills Weekend in May.
- To provide members with the possibility of acquiring practical milling experience.
- To record the surviving mills in the Midland area.
- To coordinate and assist in the historical, technical and social research of all types of mills in the Midland area.
- To publish the results of research and restoration of all types of mills in a professional manner.
What do we do?
- We hold a programme of monthly indoor meetings in the Greater Birmingham area, from October to April, consisting of presentations and discussions on a variety of molinological topics.
- We publish a Newsletter that is distributed free to our members three times per year.
- We publish a Journal called “Wind & Water Mills” once per year in the Springtime. It contains articles based on original research. It is distributed free to our members but is also sold to non-members and has a wide circulation.
- Sometimes, when suitable material is available, we publish books or booklets on molinological topics in addition to our Journal.
- We publish a Mills Open Leaflet every Springtime which our members distribute to a variety of outlets, including Tourist Information Offices, Libraries and Museums, to make it available to members of the public.
- During early summer we make a day visit, often situated in the most beautiful countryside, to mills in the wider Midlands area (or beyond), where possible to mills that are not normally open to the public.
- We provide grants from our Restoration Fund to assist mill owners with maintenance and other projects.
- Working parties are held when and where required at which all members are welcome regardless of experience.
- Members also take part in the measurement and recording of mills, particularly if they are at risk of demolition or conversion.
- Throughout the year many members help open mills to the public and assist in their operation and interpretation, especially at New Hall Watermill, Heage Windmill and Chesterton Windmill.
- We advise mill owners on repairs and conservation of mills and assist in the preparation and support of grant aid applications.
- The Group provides advice and comment to local authorities on planning applications that affect the wellbeing of mills.