As well as the Midland Mills Group Newsletter (see below the buttons) we have several different publications.
Midland Mills Group Newsletter
The Midland Mills Group Newsletter is sent free to all members in Spring, late Summer and Winter.

The latest 24 page Newsletter, No 140, is published in December 2024. It contains details of future meetings, news of latest publications and group activities, also short articles on mill related topics.
“Wind & Water Mills”
The Midland Mills Group Journal, called “Wind & Water Mills” is sent free to all members every year, usually in the Spring, and contains a number of articles on mill related topics based on original research.

The latest 48 page edition, “Wind & Water Mills, No 43” published in April 2024, contains the following articles:-
Soulton Forge, Wem, Shropshire, by Peter King
Gloucestershire Windpumps by M. J. A. Beacham
Corn Mills on the River Dove near Ashbourne, Derbyshire, by Tony Bonson
Further copies can be obtained from Midland Mills Group:-
To apply for this service CONTACT US: click HERE
Price £6.00 (inc p&p)
Please make cheques payable to “Midland Mills Group”
Standing orders for future editions of the Journal are readily accepted from those who are unable to receive the normal benefits of membership of the Midland Mills Group (e.g. person residing abroad or a long distance from the Midland area), each new edition will be automatically sent, with an invoice, when published.
To apply for this service CONTACT US: click HERE
For details and contents of previous editions of “Wind & Water Mills” together with ordering information,
click HERE
Mills Open to the Public in the Midland Counties
This leaflet is published annually by the Midland Mills Group to promote those mills in the general Midland region of the United Kingdom. It is our aim to distribute the leaflet as widely as possible, not only in the Midland region but also in neighbouring regions such as Lincolnshire, South Yorkshire, Cheshire and the Welsh border country. Volunteer members deliver parcels of leaflets to a large number of outlets such as Tourist Information Offices, Libraries, Museums, and other tourist attractions. Also all members receive a leaflet with their Spring Newsletter.

The leaflet contains details of over 30 mills that are open during the year to members of the public. Each entry gives contact details and directions for the mills, together with a brief description and a picture of each mill. The leaflet also contains a map for easily identifying each mill’s location. For a list of mills open to the public, including those featured in the leaflet,
click HERE
To obtain further copies of the leaflet, click HERE
Books & Booklets
A Miller & his Mill: The Story of John Else and Warney Mill

A Miller & his Mill: The Story of John Else and Warney Mill – by Judith Cooper
132 pages, 120 illustrations, A4 Softback
ISBN 978 0 95177 946 0. Price £15 + £3.50 p&p.
This new book, published by the Midland Wind & Water Mills Group describes the life and times of John Else, miller at Darley, near Matlock in Derbyshire, and the mill he rebuilt in 1860.
The author, Judith Cooper, is the great-great grand daughter of John Else, and her book draws on the evidence found in the papers left by John Else that have survived through the generations and have passed into her possession.
To obtain a copy, please contact us at
Watermills on the River Rea in South Shropshire

By Tim Booth
A5 booklet, 46 pages, including 8 drawings by the author and 10 maps & plans.
Price £6.00 including p & p. To obtain a copy, please contact us at
Derbyshire Watermills – Corn Mills

By Alan Gifford
A5 softback, 136 pages, including 49 photographs and 26 maps and drawings.
Price £7.00 + £1.00 p & p. From the author at 4 Old Hall Drive, Willington, Derby, DE65 6DT
Derbyshire Windmills – Past & Present

By Alan Gifford
A5 softback, 108 pages, including 55 illustrations (with 16 in colour)
Price £8.00 + £1.30 p & p. From the author at 4 Old Hall Drive, Willington, Derby, DE65 6DT
Previous books published by MMG

A5. 100 pages plus 8 pages of photographs.
This book was the result of 9 years of research and was published by the MMG in 1978.
It lists 182 mills. Although a note at the end refers it not being ‘complete’ and makes a ‘reference to having found references to over 400’.
The MMG have no plans to reprint it but one of our members has scanned it and it is in a downloadable version with the intention that you will print it yourself for your personal use.
It is on his external website.
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